
17.) seeing a baby's heartbeat for the first time is amazing.

I saw the heartbeat today! 

So far, baby looks like a little jelly bean in there, just hanging out in his yolk sac.  I'm already looking forward to seeing him again next month, when we can hopefully hear the heartbeat and see some growth as well. 

It's a little nervewracking, being pregnant and having to just wait... and wait... and hope everything goes okay.  I feel like I hardly know anything about the process of being pregnant (just the process of getting pregnant... more than I'd like to know, at that!) so I can't wait to be able to share this news openly with friends and family and hear their advice, stories, etc.  I am still having a hard time letting my guard down and being as enthusiastic as I'd like, but I hear that's normal at this stage. 

My husband is already wanting to tell people even though it's way too early.  We agreed to wait until around Thanksgiving to really tell people, although admittedly, I've already told a few friends (and so has he).  We won't go "public" with the news though for quite a while. 

We're thinking specifically about when and how to tell our parents.  We'd like to do something creative, but since we live 19 hours away and won't be seeing them until the holidays, it might be nearly impossible to wait until we are face-to-face.  If all goes well, I will be 12 weeks at Thanksgiving and 16 weeks at Christmas, which is a little later in the game than we'd like in terms of announcing to the families (friends/public, however, will probably find out right around the holidays).  So that rules out the cute Christmas gift ideas like wrapping a pair of booties, or a grandparents picture frame, and so on, as people like to do. 

Maybe we'll incorporate Halloween, and do something with pumpkins or....?  I don't know, I would really like to think of something clever, we'll see if that happens.  Lately I am so tired that I can only think straight about half the time!

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